Article 1 : Effective Classroom-Management & Positive Teaching- EDEC 6099 10/18/2021

As an educator it’s important to have adequate classroom management skills. In order to be successful as a teacher we must take a deeper look into what effective classroom management is. Classroom management deals with behavior of students and how we as teachers handle that behavior. If a teacher constantly stops in the middle of his/her lesson to handle disruptions he/she is losing valuable time, time that could’ve been used to teach or review for a test. When dealing with classroom management and behavior teachers should start off by setting the tone for the school year on the first day, consistently go over with students’ the rules/expectations, and be consistent with giving consequences for bad behavior. Teachers being role models/modeling acceptable behavior and motivating students also plays a part in classroom management. As teachers we must put aside things we are going through once we step in the classroom, if we are having a bad day, we shouldn’t display that to the students because the negative energy could rub off on them. We must show up with a smile on our face ready to teach and get the students excited about the lesson that they are going to be learning about today. Good teaching is when the teacher is always motivating his/her students. Show your students that you care about them, and you want to see them succeed and try their best. Motivate your students to be the best version of themselves and not give up when things get hard. Teachers must build a relationship with their students, and they can easily do this by going the extra mile with helping a student that is having trouble, make learning fun for everyone, and showing genuine interest in each student. A child should come to school and feel that they are in a safe place and can be open with their teacher about the good, bad, and ugly, but for that to happen a relationship needs to be established and that relationship can begin on day one and progress/grow from there. Classroom management is all about encouraging positive behavior in students, but it starts with the teachers.

Reference :

Sieberer-Nagler, K. (2015). Effective Classroom-Management & Positive Teaching. English Language Teaching, 9(1), 163.


Posted October 19, 2021 by educator21 in category Article Reviews

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